Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Below is a 25 page collection of information including check and shopping lists for disaster preparedness as provided by various government and relief organizations. There is also additional valuable information and checklists for those living in earthquake, volcano, flood and/or storm prone areas.

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Recently in Auckland, New Zealand, the Civil Defense Controller revealed that less than 1 in 10 Aucklanders were prepared for a disaster occurrence, even though most were aware of the need to create some form of disaster plan. He strongly recommended that everyone have at least 3 days worth of food, water and emergency supplies on hand.
This was not necessarily a proclamation that an emergency situation will occur in the near future, but rather a precautionary measure in the light of increased tectonic activity in the region.
For anyone living in any area prone to Earth or weather changes, it is heavily recommended by all local and national governments to be prepared and have 3 days of food, water and other tools and necessities stored in a safe, convenient and easily accessible area. Therefore, we have gathered a fairly comprehensive collection of lists and survival information in a printable and downloadable form. Source Materials: FEMA, Governmental Agencies, Relief Organizations, Universities.

3 Day Emergency Essentials, Emergency Lists, Preparedness Information | Printer Friendly Version | PDF
Sources: FEMA, Official Sources
Family Preparedness Questionaire

FEMA?s Family Supply List
An Evacuation Kit for Your Home
A Disaster Kit For Your Car
What You Can Do To Prepare
Create an Emergency Communications Plan
Homeland Security Advisory System
Evacuation Tips
When an Emergency Strikes
Recovering from a Disaster / Emergency
Fire Safety Tips
Emergency Contact Information
Maintaining Your Supplies and Emergency Kit
Our Recommendations
Sources and Links

Family Preparedness Questionaire

Answer these 8 questions. If you have answered ?no? to any of them, you need to develop or update your Family Emergency Plan.
Do you believe that your community is prepared for emergencies?

Do you believe that your family is well prepared to handle most emergencies?

Have you discussed emergency planning issues with your family?

Do you have a Family Emergency Supplies Kit including:
a three-day supply of water per person (1 gallon per-person, per-day)
one change of clothing per person
one blanket or sleeping bag per person
first aid kit with current prescription medication enough for four days
battery powered radio & flashlight, w/extra batteries
extra set of car keys
a credit card and a small amount of cash
Sanitation supplies
Does your house have operational smoke detectors on every level?
Do you have a charged ABC fire extinguisher?
Have you trained your family on the proper techniques of fire extinguisher use?
Do you know how to turn off your? utilities?

FEMA?s Family Supply List

Ready Kids & The Federal Emergency Management Agency present:
Emergency Supplies:
Water, food, and clean air are important things to have if an emergency happens. Each family or individual?s kit should be customized to meet specific needs, such as medications and infant formula. It should also be customized to include important family documents.
Recommended Supplies to Include in a Basic Kit:
Water, one gallon of water per person per day, for drinking and sanitation
Food, at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food
Battery-powered radio and a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert, and extra batteries for both
Flashlight and extra batteries
First Aid kit
Whistle to signal for help
Infant formula and diapers, if you have an infant
Moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties for personal sanitation
Dust mask or cotton t-shirt, to help filter the air
Plastic sheeting and duct tape to shelter-in-place
Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities
Can opener for food (if kit contains canned food)
Clothing and Bedding:
If you live in a cold weather climate, you must think about warmth. It is possible that the power will be out and you will not have heat. Rethink your clothing and bedding supplies to account for growing children and other family changes. One complete change of warm clothing and shoes per person, including:
A jacket or coat
Long pants
A long sleeve shirt
Sturdy shoes or boots
Rain Gear
A hat, scarf and gloves
A sleeping bag or warm blanket for each person
Family Supply List (continued)
Below are some other items for your family to consider adding to its supply kit. Some of these items, especially those marked with a * can be dangerous, so please have an adult collect these supplies.
Emergency reference materials such as a first aid book or a print out of the information on
Rain gear
Mess kits, paper cups, plates and plastic utensils
Cash or traveler?s checks, change
Paper towels
Fire Extinguisher
Matches in a waterproof container*
Signal flare*
Paper, pencil
Personal hygiene items including feminine supplies
Household chlorine bleach* ? You can use bleach as a disinfectant (diluted nine parts water to one part bleach), or in an emergency you can also use it to treat water. Use 16 drops of regular household liquid bleach per gallon of water. Do not use scented, color safe or bleaches with added cleaners.
Medicine dropper
Important Family Documents such as copies of insurance policies, identification and bank account records in a waterproof, portable container


Disaster Supplies Kit Shopping List
Stock a minimum of three days worth of supplies. For more information visit the Emergency Management Department at or
Three gallons of water per person plus water for pets
High Energy Foods
Salt-free Crackers
Whole Grain Cereal
Granola or Granola Bars
Peanut Butter
Trail Mix
Fruit Bars
Dried Fruit
Ready-to-eat Canned Foods
Milk (Powdered or canned)
Canned or Packaged Meats, Fruits, Vegetables
Low-sodium Soup
Comfort Foods
Hard Candy
Instant Coffee/Tea
Sugar Salt Pepper
Specialty Needs
Vitamins Infant Foods
Comfort Foods
Cookies Hard Candy Instant Coffee/Tea
First Aid Kit Supplies
Sterile adhesive bandages in assorted sizes Thermometer
2-inch sterile gauze pads (4-6)
Tongue blades (2)
4-inch sterile gauze pads (4-6)
Hypoallergenic adhesive tape Needle
Triangular bandages (3)
2-inch sterile roller bandages (3 rolls)
Moistened towelettes
3-inch sterile roller bandages (3 rolls)
Cleansing agent/soap
Scissors Latex gloves (2 pair)
Assorted sizes of safety pins
Tube of petroleum jelly or other lubricant
Basic First Aid Manual
Non-prescription Drugs
Aspirin or non-aspirin pain reliever
Anti-diarrhea medication Antacid (for stomach upset)
Syrup of Ipecac (use to induce vomiting if advised by the Poison Control Center)
Activated charcoal (use if advised by the Poison Control Center)
Clothing and Bedding
Jacket or Coat
Long Pants
Long Sleeve Shirt
Sturdy Shoes or Boots
Rain Gear
Thermal Underwear
Hat Scarf
Blanket or Sleeping Bag
Emergency preparedness manual
Mess kits or paper cups, plates and plastic utensils
Aluminum foil
Non-electric can opener, utility knife
Tube tent
Plastic storage containers
Needles, thread
Fire extinguisher: small canister
ABC type Paper, pencil
Matches in a waterproof container
Shut-off wrench, to turn off household gas and water
Medicine dropper
Flashlight and extra batteries
Map of the area (for locating shelters)
Cash or traveler?s checks, change
Plastic sheeting
Signal flare
Portable, battery-operated radio or television and extra batteries
Sanitation Supplies
Toilet Paper Plastic Garbage Bags and Ties
Soap and Liquid Detergent Plastic Bucket with Tight Lid
Feminine Supplies
Personal Hygiene Items
Household Chlorine Bleach
For Baby

Baby Bottles
Powdered Milk
For Adults
Heart and high blood pressure medication
Prescription drugs
Denture needs
Contact lenses and supplies
Extra eye glasses
Hearing aid batteriesImportant
Family Documents
Keep these records in a waterproof, portable container.
Will, insurance policies, contracts, deeds, stocks and bonds
Photo IDs, passports, social security cards, immunization records
Bank account numbers
Credit card account numbers and company information
Inventory of valuable household goods, important telephone numbers
Family records (birth, marriage, death certificates)
Photocopies of credit and identification cards

An Evacuation Kit for Your Home
A fire, flood or other emergency may require the immediate evacuation of your home. The following items should be assembled and placed into a small portable container, readily accessible so that it can be grabbed as you flee your home.
a small battery powered radio (AM/FM) and extra batteries
Flashlight with extra batteries
a small amount of cash and change, and a credit card
an extra set of car and house keys
Have Critical family documents, in a portable, fireproof container
Social Security Cards
Insurance policies
Savings and checking account numbers
Birth and Marriage Certificates
Inventory of household property and valuables/assets (video of your homes contents or
pictures are extremely beneficial)

A Disaster Kit For Your Car

Keep your car equipped with emergency supplies. Never allow the gas tank to drop below half full. If warnings of an impending emergency are being broadcast, fill up because gas stations may be affected by the emergency. Keep these items stored in a portable container.
A small battery powered radio (AM/FM) and extra batteries
Flashlight with extra batteries
Cellular phone and charger
Jumper Cables
Fire Extinguisher
Bottled Water
Tire repair kit and pump
Nonperishable, high-energy foods (granola bars, canned nuts, hard candy, trail mix, peanut butter & crackers)
First aid kit and necessary medications in case you are away from home for a prolonged time
Food items containing protein such as nuts and energy bars; canned fruit and a portable can opener
Water for each person and pet in your car
AM/FM radio to listen to traffic reports and emergency messages
Cat litter or sand for better tire traction
Ice scraper
Warm clothes, gloves, hat, sturdy boots, jacket and an extra change of clothes
Blankets or sleeping bags
Also consider:
A fully-charged cell phone and phone charger
Flares or reflective triangle
Baby formula and diapers if you have a small child
Emergency phone numbers ? friends, family, emergency services, police.

What You Can Do To Prepare

Learning what threats you and your family may be exposed to is the first step in emergency planning.
The following list identifies the hazards that are present in Hooksett NH. Because we live, work, go to school and play throughout our geographical area, we need to be aware of what can happen all around us. Once you know what can happen, it is important to discuss it with your family so you can begin to develop your Emergency Plan.
Air Pollution, Fuel Shortage, Flooding, Arson, Hail Storms, Sabotage,
Business Interruption, Hazardous Materials, Severe Thunderstorms,
Civil Unrest, High Winds, Special Events, Communication Failure, Ice Storms, Strikes, Drought, Lightning Storms, Structural/Chemical Fires
Neighbors Helping Neighbors
There?s so much to do . . . so get some help!
To do it right, preparing for emergencies can be a full-time job with a hefty price tag, but it doesn?t have to be that way when you make it a collaborative effort among your neighbors. Many of the skills and equipment you will need in an emergency may already exist in your neighborhood. Search them out, and then work with your neighbors on a plan to use them to everyone?s best advantage. Getting an agreement ahead of time can save valuable time when it is needed most. Does it still seem like an overwhelming task? Then break it down into these smaller, manageable tasks:
Start with what you already have
Canvas your neighbors for disaster skills and equipment. Make it a social event. Invite your neighbors out for a block party ? if you feed them, they will come. Put neighborhood preparedness as the only thing on your agenda. Most of all, have fun.
Build on your strengths
Integrate this approach into a Neighborhood Watch Program or your Neighborhood Association.
Don?t reinvent the organizational ?wheel?; use what you already have in place and working.
Invite knowledgeable neighbors to teach disaster skills at a Neighborhood Watch or Association meeting.
Invite guest speakers from your emergency management office, fire/police department or the American Red Cross.
Preparing for Terrorism
There are many bacterial, viral, toxic, chemical and radiological substances that could be used as weapons against human beings.
Although many of these agents are difficult to deliver into an unsuspecting population, it is still a remote possibility when faced with an educated and well-funded terrorist organization. It?s much more likely that an industrial or transportation related accident involving one of these substances could occur.
The federal government has drastically increased efforts to detect and disrupt acts of domestic and international terrorism? and has provided significant funding to state and local response organizations to prepare for the effects of such attacks. New Hampshire?s Homeland Security Task Force, Bioterrorism Committee, Hazardous Materials Response Team, Local Emergency Planning Committee, and many other organizations are actively working to enhance our response systems and procedures.
Having an educated public, however, is the most effective form of preparedness. All Americans should understand the basics about Weapons of Mass Destruction (?WMD?) and hazardous materials protective actions, especially if they work or live near major roads, industrial facilities, and other large institutions.


Bioterrorism is the intentional or threatened use of viruses, bacteria, fungi or toxins from living organisms to produce death or disease in humans, animals or plants. There are over 400 agents listed as possible agents of bio-terrorism. Some examples include Smallpox, Anthrax, Botulism, and Plague. The effects of these organisms vary, as does the medical treatment and community response protocol.
When the nation?s Public Health surveillance system detects an outbreak, several systems are activated. Certified laboratories confirm the agent, state and local public health officials begin to track down the source or point of release, potentially exposed members of the community are identified and treated if necessary, and the public are kept informed as the investigation progresses. At the first hint of a potential act of terrorism, appropriate law enforcement agencies are immediately involved.
Keeping your immune system strong is the best single defense against disease, including acts of bio-terrorism.
A healthy diet, regular exercise and sufficient sleep go a long way in helping your natural immune system, which makes it more difficult for viruses and bacteria to take hold and thrive. Washing your hands with soap and warm water regularly, especially before and after meals, is also a very good defense.
There is no need to purchase a gas mask. For complete protection with a gas mask, it would need to be worn all day, every day. The best way to protect you during potential bio-terrorism or chemical incidents is to stay informed and follow official instructions.
There is no need for smallpox or anthrax vaccinations and it is not necessary to store or stockpile any prescription medication. You would be notified through the media if dispensing emergency medications becomes necessary. Fortunately, many types of illnesses that could be caused by bio-terrorism are treatable, and emergency stockpiles of medications are ready to go at a moments notice.
Chemical Emergencies
Chemicals are an enormous part of our every-day lives. Without the advancements made in chemistry, we would still be living in the middle ages. These technological advancements do come with a risk. Accidental hazardous materials spills do occur. When they happen, highly trained ?HazMat? teams are quickly activated and the release is mitigated. Because of recent events, the risks are heightened because chemicals may be available to terrorists.
There are so many chemicals available in North America that it is simply impossible to list what could be used and how it would affect you if released. For that reason, it is important to educate yourself about community hazardous materials emergency procedures.
You would find out about the appropriate emergency procedure to follow by listening to your local Emergency Alert System radio station (see the Warning System page). In the event of a chemical emergency, there are three basic emergency procedures that you will be asked to follow.
1. Developing Emergency Situation ? Stay Tuned for Official Information
This indicates that an emergency is taking place that may soon require you to take protective action. Citizens should monitor local ?EAS? broadcasts for potentially fast-breaking developments.
2. Shelter In-place
Emergency personnel may determine that ?in-place? sheltering is the best way to protect affected members of the public. Stay calm, listen carefully to instructions provided by the ?EAS? broadcaster to make sure that the ?shelter-in-place? order applies to you, and follow these instructions:
* Take your children and pets indoors immediately. While gathering your family, you can provide
a minimal amount of protection to your breathing by covering your mouth and nose with a damp cloth.
* Close all windows in your home.
* Turn off all fans, heating and air conditioning systems.
* Close the fireplace damper.
* Go to an above ground room (not the basement) with the fewest windows and doors.
* Take your Family Disaster Supply Kit with you.
* Wet some towels and jam them in the crack under the doors. Apply tape around the doors,
windows, exhaust fans and vents. Use plastic garbage bags to cover windows, outlets, and heat registers.
* if you are told there is danger of explosion, close the window shades, blinds, or curtains. To avoid
injury, stay away from the windows.
* Stay in the room and listen to your radio until you are told all is safe or you are told to evacuate.
3. Evacuation
Emergency personnel may determine that an evacuation is necessary. Stay calm, listen carefully to instructions provided by the ?EAS? broadcaster to make sure that the evacuation order applies to you, and to find out if you should evacuate immediately or if you have a little time to pack some essentials. Do not use your telephone, and follow these instructions:
* Move quickly and calmly and take the following with you:
-Your Family Disaster Supplies Kit
-Change of clothing for each member of the family
-Eyeglasses, hearing aids, dentures, canes and walkers
-Baby care items
-Personal items such as toothbrushes and deodorant
* Close and lock your windows
* shut off all vents
* Lock the door and evacuate following the provided instructions, taking only one car if possible
Do not assume that a shelter will have everything you need. In most cases, the shelters will provide only emergency items such as meals, cots, and blankets. Also consider checking-in on neighbors to make sure they have been notified, and offer help to those with disabilities or other special needs.
Nuclear or Radiological Incident
The community?s response to a ?dirty bomb? (an explosive device that disburses radioactive material) would be very similar to that of a chemical emergency response because the area affected by radiation would be relatively limited.
Although you may be asked to evacuate, nuclear power plant accidents and detonation of thermonuclear devices requires a different sheltering technique. The three factors for protecting oneself from radiation and fallout are distance, shielding, and time. The more distance between you and the incident location or the fallout particles, the better; the heavier and denser the building materials (shielding), the better; and fallout radiation loses its intensity fairly rapidly. In time, you would be able to leave your temporary shelter.
The severity and course of acute radiation sickness depends on how much total dose is received, how much of the body is exposed, and the sensitivity of the individual. Generally, large acute exposures can result in easily observable effects such as hair loss, changes in blood cells and vessels, skin irritation similar to severe sunburn, and gastrointestinal system effects including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and high fever. Long-term lower dose exposure can also create delayed effects such as cancer.
Should a radiological incident happen, keeping informed (see the Warning System page) and closely following official instructions are your keys to safety and survival. It is also important to know where to take shelter and how to perform basic fallout decontamination procedures.
Fallout contamination (dusty, flaky or small granular particles that fall from the sky following a significant nuclear event) is radioactive. Should fallout materialize, everyone should seek a safe shelter location, such as in the middle of a well-constructed building or in the center of a home?s basement (keep ?distance? and ?shielding? in mind). If someone is contaminated with fallout, they should decontaminate themselves by carefully removing contaminated clothing and thoroughly showering, if possible. It is also important to keep all contaminated clothing, including shoes, away from the temporary shelter location.

Create an Emergency Communications Plan

Your family will cope best by preparing for a disaster before it strikes. Peace of mind can only be achieved if you know where every member of your family is, whether it is your immediate family member or someone impacted by disaster out of state. Having a communications plan will help you to maintain contact with your entire family. Follow these simple steps to achieve your ?peace of mind.?
Choose an out-of-town contact that your family members can call to check on each other when a disaster occurs.
Make sure your family knows these phone numbers. Make a small contact card they can carry for easy reference.
Test your out-of-town contact regularly and have them call you, too.
Leave these phone numbers with officials at your child?s school.
Remember to Help Others
There may be elderly or handicapped residents living in your neighborhood that could use special attention during an emergency. Include them in your communications checklist to remind you to ?communicate? your willingness to help them when disaster strikes.
Make a list of those neighbors.
Ask for their phone numbers and address, only if they feel comfortable with you having them.
When an emergency strikes, make contact with those neighbors and see that their needs are addressed.
Help those neighbors in developing their own out-of-town contact.
When a disaster strikes, remember to always dial 911 for emergency service response. Do not use this number to make inquires, to learn information, or to request non-emergency assistance.
During a disaster your 9-1-1 dispatchers are often swamped with calls for help. Make sure your call is of an emergency nature. This will guarantee that those people who really need help will get it.
If you have questions or concerns that are not of an emergent nature, try dialing your local government business phone number or flag down one of the many municipal vehicles that will be driving through your neighborhood.
Teach your children how to place an emergency call, always stressing the importance of using this number only for emergencies.

Homeland Security Advisory System

* Continue to enjoy individual freedom. Participate freely in travel, work recreational activities.
* Be prepared for disasters and family emergencies. Develop a family emergency Plan
* Reviews family emergency plans. Increase family emergency
* Preparedness by purchasing supplies, food and storing Water.
* Be familiar with local Natural and technological Hazards in your community.
* Increase individual or family Emergency preparedness Through training,
* Maintaining good physical Fitness and health, and Storing food, water and
* Emergency supplies. Monitor local and national news for terrorist alerts.
* Update immunizations.
* Volunteer to assist and support the community emergency response agencies.
* Continue normal activities, but report suspicious activities to the local law Enforcement.
* Take a first aid or CERT Class.
* Become active in your local Neighborhood Crime Watch Program.
* Network with your family, Neighbors and community For mutual support during a
* Disaster or terrorist attack.
* Learn what critical facilities are located in your Community and report Suspicious activities
at or near these sites.
* Attend your local Emergency planning Committee meeting to learn more about local hazards.
* Increase individual or family Emergency preparedness Through training, Maintaining good
physical Fitness and health, and Storing food, water and Emergency supplies.
* Resume normal activities but expect some delays,
* Baggage searches and restrictions as a result of Heightened security at Public buildings
and Facilities.
* Continue to monitor local Events as well as local Government threat Advisories.
* Report suspicious activities at or near critical facilities to local law enforcement by Calling 911.
* Avoid leaving unattended Packages or brief cases in Public areas.
* Inventory and organize Emergency supply kits and
* Discuss emergency plans with family members.
* Reevaluate meeting location based on threat.
* Consider taking reasonable Personal security Precautions.
* Be alert to Your surroundings, avoid Placing yourself in a Vulnerable situation and
* Monitor the activities of Your children.
* Maintain close contact with Your family and neighbors To ensure their safety and
Emotional welfare.
* Report suspicious activities and Call 911 for immediate response.
* Expect delays, searches of Purses and bags and restricted access to public buildings.
* Expect traffic delays and Restrictions.
* Take personal security Precautions to avoid becoming a Victim of crime or terrorist Attack.
* Avoid crowded public areas and Gatherings.
* Do not travel into areas affected by the attack or in an expected Terrorist attack.
* Keep emergency supplies accessible and car gas tank full.
* Be prepared to evacuate your Home or shelter in place on order of local authorities.
* Be suspicious of persons taking Photographs of critical facilities,
* Asking questions about physical Security or dressed Inappropriately for weather Conditions.
* Report these Incidents immediately to law Enforcement.
* Closely monitor news reports and local radio/TV stations, & Law enforcement.
* Assist neighbors who may need Help.
* Avoid passing on unsubstantiated information and rumors.

Evacuation Tips

Hundreds of times each year, people are forced to leave their homes because of natural disasters, transportation or industrial accidents, fires or floods. You may have only minutes to escape to safety and you should be prepared to leave immediately when notified. Evacuation periods may last for hours or days, dependent on the emergency, so you should be ready to care for yourself and your family for a minimum of three days.
If you are told to evacuate, please follow these simple tips:
Turn on your radio or television and be prepared to follow all instructions by emergency authorities
Take your Disaster Supply Kit
Lock your home as you leave
Post a note on your door telling others where you have gone. Local police will be patrolling the neighborhoods
Use only the travel routes established by the authorities. Keep your car radio on for updates
Select a safe place to go prior to an evacuation if there is time, try to accomplish these helpful tasks: shut off all utilities before leaving (only if you know how to do so safely). Contact your Gas Company when you return for service resumption
Tie a white ribbon or cloth on the front door knob. This will alert emergency authorities that this home has been evacuated.
Sheltering in place is what you do when you take cover during a tornado warning, severe weather warning or hazardous material threat that is determined to be an irritant rather than a poison and the risk to health is greater from evacuation than just staying put. Follow these tips for in-place sheltering:
Close and lock all windows and doors
Turn off all fans, heating and air-conditioning systems
Close the fireplace damper
Turn off all the electrical power if you know the proper procedure
Go to your basement for a storm, or the most interior room without windows with a chemical threat, an above ground location is better because most chemicals are heavier than air and may seep into the basement
Turn on your battery powered radio and listen for further instructions
Make sure you have an evacuation plan in place in case an evacuation is ordered

When an Emergency Strikes

During and after an emergency:
* Stay calm
* be aware of additional dangers
* Stay tuned to your local emergency stations
* Comcast cable subscribers should tune to channel identified for the emergency
* Follow advice of trained professional
* Do not evacuate unless told
* During an emergency you might be cut off from water, food and electricity
Water: No supply of clean water here are some suggestions:
* Use ice cubes
* Use water in your hot water tank
* Purify water from streams, rainwater, lake or snow by boiling for 5 minutes, allowing it to cool
* Purify water with bleach by using 10 drops of bleach to one gallon of water (use only regular
household bleach that contains 5.25% sodium hypocholorite)
* Eat at least one well-balanced meal each day
* Take vitamins and/or protein supplements.
If Your Power Goes Out:
* Assist family members or neighbors who may be vulnerable if exposed to extreme heat or cold
* Locate a flashlight with batteries to use until power is restored. Candles are discouraged
because they can start a fire
* Unplug sensitive electric equipment such as computers, VCRs, and televisions
* Unplug major electric appliances that were on when the power went out
* Keep refrigerator and freezer doors closed as much as possible
* Do not use the stove to heat your home ? this can cause a fire or fatal gas leak
* Use extreme caution when driving-if traffic signals are out treat each signal as a stop sign and
come to a complete stop
* Do not call 911 to ask about the power outage
* Keep a battery-operated radio on for updates on restoration of power or use your car radio
* Prescription drugs-make sure you have enough to last a week
If You Have Pets: Create a survival kit for your pet. This should include:
* Identification collar and rabies tag
* Leash
* Any medications (be sure to check expiration dates)
* Newspapers and plastic trash bags for handling waste
* At least a 2-week supply of food, water, and food bowls
* Veterinary records (most animal shelters do not allow pets without proof of vaccination)
* Identify animal shelters in case of evacuation because emergency shelters do not allow pets
unless they are service animals
* Locate hotels and motels that allow pets in case of evacuation
Neighbors Helping Neighbors
* Have your neighborhood introduce emergency preparedness as a new activity
* Plan with neighbors how to work together until help arrives
* Know your neighbor?s special skills
* Know your neighbor?s special needs

Recovering from a Disaster / Emergency

Stay tuned to your local radio or television for emergency information and instructions.
The most important preparedness activity any citizen can do to prepare for an emergency event is to be sure that you have current and adequate property insurance. Both homeowners and renters need to maintain property insurance to guarantee their family?s recovery. Follow these guidelines for the following emergency events:
Use caution when entering a building, making sure that the walls, ceilings and roof are in place and secure on its foundation
be aware of downed power lines, broken gas mains and watch for broken glass
Check for medical emergencies and if necessary, dial 911 for immediate assistance
Contact your insurance carrier as soon as possible
Look for fire and utility hazards
Discard food and water that has come in contact with flood waters
Pump out flooded basements slowly, about one third of the water per day, to protect the foundation from further damage
Service damaged septic tanks, cesspools, pits and leaching systems immediately. Damaged sewage systems are health hazards and can intensify the effects of the flood
Contact your insurance carrier immediately
Hazardous Material Incidents
If evacuated, do not return home until local authorities say it is safe
Upon arriving home, open up all the windows and doors to provide natural ventilation
Do not attempt to try mechanical ventilation (electric fans), as an explosive threat may be present
Find out from local authorities how to clean up your land and property
Discard food and water supplies that were impacted by the hazardous material contamination
Contact your insurance carrier immediately
Fire call
If you are the homeowner, secure your property to the best of your ability and contact your insurance carrier immediately
Iif you are a tenant, secure your property to the best of your ability and contact your landlord, then your insurance carrier
Contact the American Red Cross
Contact the The Salvation Army if you need food, clothing or temporary housing
Have an electrician check your wiring before restoring power. Never try to connect utilities yourself
Discard all food, beverages and medications that have been exposed to heat, smoke or soot
Do not open a fire proof safe until it has cooled down
Maintain a record with receipts of any expenditures you make after the fire. These are important future insurance and income tax claims
Emergency Phone Numbers

Fire Safety Tips

Make Your Home Fire Safe

Install battery-powered smoke detectors outside each sleeping area and on each additional level of your home.
Use the test button to check each smoke detector once per month.
Replace batteries immediately, or at least once per year.
Be sure to have a working fire extinguisher in the kitchen and make sure you know how to use it.
Plan Your Escape Routes
Determine at least two routes of escape for every room in your home.
I you must use an escape ladder, be sure everyone knows how to use it.
Select a location outside your home where everyone would meet after escaping.
Practice your escape plan at least twice per year.
Once you are out, STAY OUT!
Escape Safely
If you see smoke in your first escape route, use your second way out.
If you must exit through smoke, crawl low under the smoke to escape.
Feel all closed doors prior to opening. If the door is hot, use your second way out.
If smoke, heat, or flames block your exit routes, stay in the room with the door closed.
If you are unable to escape, signal for help by using brightly colored cloth at the window or by using a whistle.

Emergency Contact Information

The following page has been designed to be printed and placed near your phone in case of an emergency.
Remember to listen to your Local EAS Stations
The address of this home:
The phone number of this home:
Emergency Phone numbers:
Police, Fire, or Ambulance: 911
Parent?s location:
Home Emergency Guide numbers and information:
Local contact:
Telephone: day: evening:
Nearest Relative:
Telephone: day: evening:
Family work numbers:
Family Doctors/Hospital
Name: phone
Name: phone
Family meeting places:
1.Right outside your home:
2.Away from home in neighborhood
Names and ages of children:
Location of Home emergency kit:
Local Contact
Telephone (day) ( )-(eve.) ( )
Cellular Phone ( )
Out of Area Contact
Telephone (day) () ?(eve.) ( )
Cellular Phone ()
Nearest Relative
Telephone (day) ( )-(eve.) ( )
Family Work Numbers
Emergency Telephone Numbers
Police Department 911
Fire Department 911
Family Physicians
Name Phone
Name Phone
Name Phone
Reunion Locations
1. Right outside of your home
Away from the neighborhood, in case you cannot return home
Route to try first
Electric Co. Phone Co.
Gas Co. Water Co.
Cable TV Co.
Emergency help number: 911
Report downed power lines
Emergency Situations:
Center for Disease Control (CDC): 1-404-639-3311
Information & Reporting
National Pesticide Network: 1-800-858-7378 (24 hours)

Maintaining Your Supplies and Emergency Kit

Just as important as putting your supplies together is maintaining them so they are safe to use when needed. Here are some tips to keep your supplies ready and in good condition:
Keep canned food in a cool, dry place.
Store boxed food in tightly closed plastic or metal containers to protect from pests and to extend its shelf life.
Throw out any canned good that becomes swollen, dented or corroded.
Use foods before they go bad and replace them with fresh supplies.
Place new items at the back of the storage area and older ones in the front.
Change stored food and water supplies every six months. Be sure to write the date you store it on all containers.
Re-think your needs every year and update your kit as your family?s needs change.
Keep items in airtight plastic bags and put your entire disaster supplies kit in one or two easy-to-carry containers, such as an unused trashcan, camping backpack or duffel bag.

Our Recommendations

Here are some additional items that we (UrbanSurvivalEssentials) recommend:
72-hour bugout bag
(emergency supplies for 3 days stored in a backpack or case for easy retrieval, preferably backpack)
Every day carry pouch or tin with:
pocket knife
safety pins
needle and thread
emergency numbers
extra unmarked car/house keys
band-aids antibiotic ointment
pencil matches
small thread
strong twine
Additional For Car or Backpack
Baby wipes in car or backpack
- We have found unscented baby wipes to be extremely handy and less harsh on hands and skin
Rain gear
- rain ponchos, umbrella
Additional For Home
Seeds, preferably heirloom
Tarps and large plastic bags for water collecting, storage and protection
Small plastic bags for storage and sharing
Plant food, preferably natural without chemicals (kelp, herb, etc.)
Sproutable grains and seeds
Small portable backpacking stove and extra fuel for several weeks
Minimal supply of long-term dehydrated storage food that tastes good (Our favorite:
Some good surivival books
Rechargeable batteries (We prefer Eneloop)
Extra LED flash lights, candles with glass camp-holder
Extra pairs plastic and sturdy garden gloves
Surgical masks for debris, virus protection
Goggles for eye protection
Heavy Duty Aluminum Foil
Hoses, small and large (fire or siphoning)
Sterilizing alcohol, preferably grain or high proof vodka alcohol for multi-purpose non-toxic use
Crowbar, pliers, screwdrivers, camping saw, good scissors, ax
Flashdrives for emergency information and important docs, pics
Portable solar/hand-crank weather/am/fm radio
Everything easily accessible and neatly organized in one, centralized location
Household non-scented bleach with no additives
Extra drinking water
The greatest emergency tools are:
A cool head
Common sense
Serenity but preparedness
Family, friends and community
Research on your own. The more you read, the more you will remember and retain.

Sources and Links
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[Collected, Prepared 03/3013 by]
Photo Credit: Earthworm


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