Friday, March 15, 2013

Encyclopedia of American Loons: #467: Richard Bandler

Richard Wayne Bandler is an author and self-help guru, best known for inventing (with John Grinder) ?Neuro-linguistic programming? (NLP), a collection of concepts and techniques ?intended to understand and change human behavior-patterns? (closely related to ?Natural Horsemanship?). He has also developed other trademarked systems such as Design Human Engineering? and Neuro Hypnotic Repatterning?. None of it has any basis in reality ? it is purportedly based on transformational grammar, the basis of which Bandler?s audience doesn?t understand anyway ? and NLP has aptly been termed cargo-cult science (or a mild version of Scientology) by people who know what they are talking about, insofar as it is built on a theory of mind that is demonstrably false. But all of it belongs to the kind of fluffy, popular self-help woo ? a central element in the human potential movement, in fact ? that remains immensely popular and ensures that Bandler stays filthy rich. ?Fraud? might be the first word that comes to mind (he often refers to himself as having a doctorate, which is, uh, a controversial claim) but there is no obvious reason to believe that Bandler doesn?t actually believes he?s onto something. Adherents of NLP attempt to apply it to psychotherapy, healing, communication, self development, teaching English, treating psoriasis, curing cancer, achieving weight loss (the obvious one), and dating (links to these claims on the NLP website can be found here, but I won?t link to them directly). The bullshit is described in perceptive detail here, and this?is a pretty good summary. This might be relevant as well. Diagnosis: Major bullshitter and bullshit promoter. The level of danger is a little hard to assess, but pushing blatant pseudo-science cannot have a good outcome in the long run.


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