Thursday, December 20, 2012

UTCA Launches New Website and Corporate Logo

UTCA's new website offers improved navigation, enhanced visual appeal and easy access to important information.

Springfield, MA (PRWEB) December 20, 2012

UTCA is pleased to announce the launch of their new website and roll out of their updated corporate logo. The new site offers improved navigation, enhanced visual appeal and easy access to important information. In addition, it has been designed to be compatible with a wide range of browsers and optimized for viewing on mobile devices such as Smartphone's and digital tablets. The popular Client Learning area remains a key section of the website, with Topic of the Month, Legislative Update and other pertinent download archives. Additional learning features are planned in 2013 and will be announced as they go live.

The corporate logo, UTCA's unique and well-recognized Teacher's Apple, has been updated to keep pace with the company's growing national identity and their emphasis on staying ahead of the technology and learning curve. "We are excited about the changes to our website and logo. Feedback from our test group has been very positive. Many felt the changes captured UTCA's corporate identity and commitment to keeping pace with the times, particularly our culture of client service", state Suzanne Murphy, CEO.

About UTCA

UTCA is a service leader providing highly effective unemployment insurance cost management and reduction strategies to employers nationally. UTCA employs this industry's most knowledgeable staff of professionals, including their own in-house legal staff, claim analysts, appeal administrators, hearing representatives and tax consultants. UTCA assists clients in reducing the costs and complexities of managing their unemployment compensation programs, utilizing a unique pre-emptive approach to dramatically reducing unemployment cost. By providing unparalleled customer solutions, they have earned the reputation as a trusted advisor in the field of unemployment cost management.

Ken LeGendre
Unemployment Tax Control Associates - UTCA
Email Information


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