Thursday, September 15, 2011

Can Stress Supplements Help Alleviate Stress? | ...

I don?t know about you, but it sure seems like we?re all a bit on hyperdrive. It?s as if we?re all on a treadmill, trying to outdo each other in a stress marathon. Then something happens and it?s like our engine?s out of gas. Immediately we begin to ask, ?What the?? It?s a sure sign: we?re stressed. The one benefit of chronic stress: we get to rest soon, we?ll be pushing up daisies. How can we get off the bullet train? I found a health company that seems to hit the nail on the head when suggesting a few products to deal with stress that really work: natural stress relief

That question is like Forrest Gump chocolates: you never know what you?re going to get. We?re all in this, well?separate, actually: we?re all unique. We all need to take this step to begin: ask ourselves what the biggest cause(s) is for our stress and organize a targeted approach. Armed with that knowledge, hitting the biggest target becomes?a lot less stressful!

Since we aren?t writing a e-book here, let?s focus on some main points for a comprehensive stress management solution:

1) Get with people you trust. This is not optional. A support group can be specific to the stressor, such as a 12-step group if your main stressor can be addressed at such, or as simple as your co-workers, cousins or closest friends. Since this isn?t negotiable, if you don?t have anyone to suit the job, then you may have to hire a professional counselor.


2) Get fit. Without going too biology-teacher on you, there is a real biological process involving hormones such as cortisol that cause real physical harm when you?re stressed. Your body?s chemistry regulates itself by nutrients found in healthy tissue like muscle and bone. Osteoporosis and Sarcopenia are the two conditions of losing bone and muscle tissue during ?catabolism.? Left uncorrected, stress truly does lead to loss of healthy tissue, which is why ?stress kills? isn?t just a cliche. Bodybuilding and cardiovascular exercise can honestly keep the doctor away as muscle and bones are then being strengthened.

3) Eat right. The body reacts to stress by trying to get back to ?homeostasis.? The human body will begin to break down itself in order to survive, for lack of proper nutrition. Another complication that?s common to us today is acidosis, or having a slightly more acidic pH than we should have, which gives rise to a host of further complications. A great thing to do is to feed your body a daily multi-vitamin and multi-mineral supplement. You should strongly consider adding the B-complex vitamins, as well as vitamins A, C and E, a buffering agent called potassium bicarbonate, and a great herb called ?Caterpillar Mushroom Extract. There are a host of other herbs, vitamins and minerals specifically beneficial to chilling out and fighting stress ? it?s worth looking into. As an absolutely non-negotiable: you HAVE TO consult with your doctor before making any of these dietary changes.

4) Relax! If you don?t, I just might get stressed out too. You need to have proper ?chill time? on a daily basis. Like many of us normal humans, you?re probably losing sleep to late working nights or watching your favorite sit com, or you should be doing the latter in moderation. Laughing fights stress, too. The body needs proper rest ? a good 7-8 hours is a fantastic way to stop the stress cycle. There are more studies proving sleep is a chief cause for stress that we can?t count them all. Listen to your body, you?ll be amazed what this free, no-cost solution does to your mood and outlook.

5) Stop and taste the ?joy?. There are a host of other solutions that could be mentioned, but the final thought for this article will be this: give yourself some kind of ?joy break,? doing something you love. You can do it alone or with loved ones, or great friends. Don?t put this off as if it doesn?t matter, taking time to slow down and do something enjoyable just might give you the perspective and rest you need to recover. If you would like to learn more on a few stress realted products that I found actually do work: stress relief supplements

Del Kelly enjoys spending time researching health products that keep us all happy and healthy. If you are interested in learning more on great ebooks and stress supplements click the underlined link.

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